‘The Unsettled Body, An Embodied Gaze’ will be exhibited at the Clifford Chance Postgraduate Printmaking Survey, opening on the 3rd December 2024 until 16th January 2025. To see the work contact Nigel.Frank@cliffordchance.com for an appointment.
‘The Unsettled Body, An Embodied Gaze’ embodies movement informed by a methadology of drawing as research. Embodied knowledge is understood through Shigenori Nagatomo’s definition of a knowledge that resides not only in the body, but that is gained through the body. The prints capture a continuous, writhing mass of bodies, where the movement of a group of dancers from The Rambert are translated into gesture and line.
Inspired by viewing live dance, I created automatic drawings that explore the connection between eye, hand and mark. As the temporal, movement, is moved to the material, mark, there is transformation from passive observer to active participant. To me, drawing movement expresses an internal state of being emotionally moved and becomes an intimate way of understanding the relationship between the performer and viewer, through the artist’s body. ‘The Unsettled Body, An Embodied Gaze’ is a ’re-performance’ of these automatic drawings. The marks of movement are translated and redrawn on a lithographic stone, that acts as a holder of memory and time. Kept wihtin the stone, my redrawn marks of movement emerge and are impressed into a Bunkoshi paper. This lithograph diptych explores dynamics of movement and trace through the symbol of the unsettled body.
For enquires about price contact the artist at issy.tessier@gmail.com